Airbnb Clone • Ruby on Rails
A clone of the popular vacation rental website Airbnb. Users can create and manage listings, book and manage reservations, and leave reviews. The app uses the Mapbox API to display listings on a map and Strip for the secure payments. This Airbnb clone is a very complete MVP which was created following the tutorial by American YouTuber Chris Jeon (TypeFast).
Slobodan Portfolio • React.js
This is Slobodan Stojanovic's portfolio. It was built using React.js and GSAP for animations. The map on the contact page was built using Leaflet and the contact form uses EmailJS to send emails.
3D Portfolio • Three.js
This is a 3D portfolio built using Three.js and GSAP for animations. The project was built using Vite and Tailwind CSS.
Promptopia • Next.js
Promptopia is a platform for writers to find inspiration and share IA powerd prompts. The app uses Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MangoDB. Auth0 is used for authentication.
Pokedex • React.js
A Pokedex built using React.js and Material-UI. The app uses Firebase to store and retrieve data.
Battleships • Vanilla JavaScript
A simple battleships game built using Vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. A “Naval Battle” game entirely designed in pure JavaScript thanks to YouTuber 'Code with Ania Kubów'. This project allowed me to put advanced JavaScript concepts into practice, while providing a fun and interactive experience.
Robbie Lens Portfolio • HTML, CSS
This is Robbie Lens' portfolio. Photographer Robbie Lens' portfolio is taken from the course 'Create your website with HTML 5 and CSS3' from OpenClassrooms. I also made a tutorial on YouTube to show you how to host a static website like this for free using the CloudFlare Pages service. It was built using HTML and CSS.